
Monday, June 22, 2015

Weekend getaway

This weekend was one my mini get-aways. My sisters, our husbands and my brother in-law went camping to Fort Custer. Half of the group stayed in the two mini cabins and my husband and I stayed in our camper.
 Our adult get away was full of action packed fun and relaxing.  For this mini outing we mostly played games. We played our version of jeopardy, we called it Family Jeopardy. We each made up three category and the questions were worth $200,$400,$600,$800,$1000.  We made up questions that focused on our family travels, Local trivia and what ever else we could imagine. That was a lot of fun.  Of course we had the camp ground favorite bean bag toss game, badminton,volley ball and cards.
 The weather ended up being perfect, no rain in site.
Fort Custer is an older state park, as I stated before the trees are mature, and some sites are hidden. This park has over 200 sites. There is a train that I heard twice around 11 at night, but no one was sleeping a that time anyway.
The beach is nice, clean and the water was warm. The park offers rentals for boats and kayaks.
There are bike trails and plenty of fishing spots.  I would recommend any one that want a little getaway to go to Fort Custer..

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